It’s likely that 2017 will see still more data breaches and hacking stories, and companies should be looking closely at cybersecurity as a risk management issue, and not as an IT issue (we’ve been saying that for years ….).
One of the issues for 2017 will continue to be global changes in data protection laws, and how US companies operating in a global environment prepare for compliance with competing regulations.
To that end, we continue our ongoing series of webinars on the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The upcoming webinar, the fifth in our GDPR Series, will explore the ways in which the Regulation creates new avenues for data transfers, and narrows others. In particular, we will consider sector-specific Commission decisions, privacy seals/certifications, the exception for non-repetitive, limited transfers, and the outlook for BCRs and Model Clauses.
Registration is online here.