To: Carrie Counselor
Subject: Lost laptop containing European customer information
A couple of weeks ago, you wrote me about an employee who will be engaging in a six-month temporary assignment around Europe to scope market opportunities. The employee was Abbie Absent-Minded. Well, we hit a snag pretty quickly. Abbie just e-mailed me to say that she left her laptop on a train in London last evening and it hasn’t turned up yet in the train company’s lost-and-found. It was a brand-new laptop that we had given her for her European assignment, so fortunately it didn’t have a lot on it. Abbie said that the laptop had contact information for her various marketing prospects, plus some sample customer data that she was given by one of her prospects to use in a demo of our web-based advertising product. She thinks that the customer data included around 200 records with the customer’s name, age, gender, e-mail address and the history of purchases that the customer made from our prospective client’s retail stores.
I assume that we should tell our prospective client that the laptop with their customer data was lost. What else do we need to think about?
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